Nabídka ID plemenného hřebce Qatar

Nabídka ID plemenného hřebce Qatar (CT, OLD) po otci Quintender (výkonnost 1.60m) z matky Centara po Centauer Z a dále Lauriston

  • Hřebec Qatar je pěkného exteriéru s mírami 172cm KVH, 197 OH a 22,5 OHOL.
  • V minulých letech se sám aktivně účastnil parkurových soutěží nádrodních do 150cm a mezinárodních do 145cm a zaznamenal mnoho umístění. Qatar má velmi pěknou techniku skoku a velkou sílu odrazu.
  • ID jsou k dispozici po tel. dohodě ve Zduchovicích. Připouštěcí poplatek základní 4000 + doplatek 4000 při potvrzení březosti. Uvedené ceny jsou bez DPH, manipulační poplatek 500 + DPH.
Pro objednání ID či více informací +420 737 138 930 nebo +420 603 861 431 a Video z parkuru:

Looking for a perfect horse?

Welcome to the website of Tenerife Stables, a renowned brand established in 2004 with the primary goal of sourcing and producing high-quality sport horses for showjumping, the hunter ring, and dressage.

My name is Svatia Zaplatilova, and despite being born into a non-equestrian family, I discovered my passion for horses at a very young age. With over three decades of experience living and working with horses, I have gained invaluable expertise in various aspects, ranging from riding to identifying and training top-level prospects. While I have now entrusted the riding duties to other talented equestrians, I continue to care of and own horses at all levels, from young prospects to those competing at the highest level.

Together with my dedicated team, we prioritize the welfare and well-being of our horses above all else. Our herd consists of carefully selected individuals, ensuring that we maintain a group of sound and content equine athletes. When you choose a horse from us, you can expect full equestrian services, including detailed information about the horse and his character and also videos and vet reports, to assist you in making an informed decision.

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Contact us


Svatia Zaplatilova


Zduchovice 65, Kamyk nad Vltavou, 262 63, CZ